Frustration is brewing after more than a year without kerbside collection in Brisbane.

Lord Mayor Adrian Schrinner scrapped the service when COVID-19 hit.

The Brisbane City Council opposition team (Labor) and residents have been campaigning to get it reinstated.

This weekend they’re holding a community rally to “send a message to the Lord Mayor” that the community service needs to be brought back in the next Council budget which is being handed down in June.

The Rally will be held at Banyo Memorial park on Saturday 29 May 2021 at 9:30am.

CLICK HERE to view the event.

“The LNP Lord Mayor said Council couldn’t afford kerbside collection but somehow managed to keep his advertising budget,” Labor Leader Jared Cassidy said.

“Adrian Schrinner spends $5.2 million printing and sending out the ‘Living in Brisbane’ newsletters with his photo on the front every month,”

“Why wasn’t this shameless self promotion cut instead of a community service like kerbside collection?”

Opposition Councillors have also started an online petition calling for Kerbside to be reinstated in the next budget.

CLICK HERE to view the petition.

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